Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil is produced by crushing the seeds of the castor oil plant. It is pale yellow in color and composed of almost 90% ricinoleic acid which is an omega 9 fatty acid. Many of the benefits gained by using castor oil are a result of its chemical composition. Ricinoleic acid is effective in preventing the growth of numerous species of viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and molds and is not found in any other in any other substance.

This article highlights the use of castor oil packs. Occasionally oral use of castor oil may be recommended. Please consult your health care professional for directions on taking castor oil orally.

(Please read disclaimer at the bottom of this article and always speak with your doctor or health care professional before starting any protocol).


1. Supports the Liver and Detoxification Pathways Improving Immune Function

Efforts should be taken to improve the function of the lymphatic system as a healthy lymphatic system is essential to heal every health problem. There are no drugs that are able to improve lymphatic flow, but the use of topical castor oil packs over the liver can improve lymphatic flow, aiding in the removal of toxins, and improving the function of the immune system.

2. Relieves Arthritis Symptoms

Castor oil has properties that helps stimulate the production of antibodies that may prevent, or reduce, acute inflammation. Rub castor oil over the affected joint. As the castor oil absorbs into the skin, swelling can be reduced.

3. Increases Circulation

As castor oil is absorbed through the skin, it increases blood circulation and has been found in some to reduce blood clotting and or varicose veins.

4. Reduces Swelling and Inflammation

Castor oil's anti-inflammatory properties make it an excellent massage oil for arthritic joints, sore muscles, and inflammation of the nerves.

5. May remove Cysts, Skin Tags, Warts, and Corns

Regularly applying castor oil to the affected area may help with removing cysts and other growths. Castor oil has unique properties that aid in promoting blood flow, breaking up stagnation, and softening masses.

6. Improves Lymphatic Drainage

Castor oil packs detoxify the liver and the lymphatic system by allowing for the proper removal of toxins, thus reducing the swelling in lymph nodes and increasing the overall drainage of the lymph system.

7. Heals Wounds and Abrasions

Castor oil helps heal wounds by stimulating the growth of new tissue, reducing dryness and preventing the buildup of dead skin cells.

8. Relieves Constipation

Castor oil is a natural constipation remedy act and can be a powerful laxative, stimulating both the small and large intestines and purging the colon walls, allowing impacted fecal matter to move through the colon. The fatty acids in the castor oil also work to prevent liquid from being absorbed by the intestinal tract, helping the bowel to retain its moisture, which allows it to pass through the colon easier. Castor oil packs can be placed on the abdomen or taken orally for constipation.

9. Minimize the Appearance of Scars

Castor oil is great for reducing and preventing the appearance of scars. The many fatty acids found in the oil help stimulate the lymphatic system in the body, which is essential for preventing scars. While it can't eliminate scars that you already have, it can reduce their appearance.

10. Moisturizes the Skin

Castor oil moisturizes your skin, not only because it contains triglycerides, but because it draws moisture from the air. Castor oil also hydrates, soothes, and protects the skin. Castor oil is thick and can be mixed with coconut oil to create an excellent moisturizer for the skin.

11. Treats Acne

Castor oil and ricinoleic acid can improve absorption in the skin and can aid in treatment of dermatosis, psoriasis, and acne, among other skin problems. Wash your face and then apply castor oil. You can gently heat the castor oil and use a a cotton ball dipped in castor oil to apply. In a circular motion, gently rub it all over your face. Allow it to sit for around 10-15 minutes, or until your skin has totally absorbed it. Wash gently to remove and apply a moisturizer, (such as the one mentioned above).

12. Strengthens and Provides a Healthy Scalp for Healthy Hair Growth

Castor oil has been purported to have a slew of benefits, including strengthening hair follicles and strands, promoting hair growth, and nourishing a dry scalp. Castor oil alone is not likely to make the hair grow, but it creates a healthier environment on the scalp that makes for better hair growth.

13. Can Induce Labor

Castor oil helps induce labor. When taken orally, castor oil works to stimulate the bowels. Castor oil tends to irritate the uterus, which causes contractions to begin. My daughter was given castor oil by a midwife in a birthing center to induce labor and it worked miraculously allowing her to have a natural delivery. She was able to avoid being sent to the hospital due to a lack of active contractions that was leading towards a dry birth. However, one should not take castor oil to induce labor without consulting with the doctor or midwife.

14. Relieves Sunburn

Castor oil is great for alleviating painful sunburns. The ricinoleic acid protects any blisters that pop up from becoming infected and reduces the inflammation associated with sunburns.

15. Improves Thyroid Function

Try castor oil packs over your thyroid 3-4 times a week and/or over the abdomen and liver. Your liver is responsible for converting the thyroid hormone T4 to the active form T3. It is also responsible for balancing blood sugar in the body, as well as 500 other functions. Most people struggling with thyroid disease have some form of liver congestion. Castor oil packs are an easy and economical way to gently detox the liver and both packs for the liver and thyroid can be purchased at Queen of Thrones.

16. Balances Hormones

Having healthy hormones greatly depends on the absorption of fat molecules within the digestive tract. Castor oil enhances this function, making it possible to balance hormones naturally. This alleviates PMS symptoms, mood swings, fatigue, and depression.

17. Reduces Menstrual Cramps

Massaging warm castor oil over your abdomen can be an excellent way to relieve menstrual cramps and period pain. The ricinoleic acid in castor oil works as an anti-inflammatory and is an analgesic agent which helps relieve pain.

18. Improves Sleep

Castor oil can help you fall asleep and is safer than medications used for insomnia. You can try rubbing castor oil along your eyelids before going to bed. wearing a castor oil eye mask, or wear a castor oil pack on the abdomen over the liver.

19. Reduces and Relieves Symptoms of Migraines

Castor oil is a natural pain reliever that is great for relieving headaches and migraines. Rub a teaspoon of castor oil into your forehead and experience relief within a few minutes.

20. Castor Oil for Fungal Infections

Castor oil contains the biochemical agent undecylenic acid, which is used to stop fungal growth. The undecylenic acid makes the natural remedy ideal for numerous types of fungal infections including yeast infections, athlete's foot, and ringworm. Mix with coconut oil and apply it to the affected area leave it on overnight until the fungus heals.


Castor oil packs are recommended 2 times per week (or more), , for 1⁄2 to 1.5 hours per session. and/or as needed for PMS or menstrual cramps. I sleep with a castor oil pack over my liver several times a week so they can be left on for longer periods of time. At first, it may work better to skip a day between the use of each pack, rather than using them on consecutive days. Check with your practitioner to see what may be best for you.

You can also wear castor oil packs while doing daily activities, but it is nice to wear castor oil packs while relaxing when possible. So, you can wear them while meditating, doing infrared light therapy, or while in the sauna. Heat is optional and does not have to be applied to the pack but can enhance relaxation.

The use of castor oil packs should always be gentle and cause little to no side effects. Cleansing reactions, such as a rash, are rare. If they occur, it usually indicates that the body’s ability to eliminate toxins is not sufficient yet. It may be necessary to temporarily decrease the frequency or length of time of using the packs. The most common cleansing reaction is a rash that may occur at the site of the pack. If this occurs, it is typically noticed during the first few applications of the pack. Please contact your practitioner if you have a reaction to using a castor oil pack.


100% Pure, Organic, Hexane-Free, Extra Virgin Castor Oil. This brand or any of equal quality is fine.


It is easiest to use the premade castor oil packs as they can be messy. I sleep in the Queen of Throne Liver pack with no issues and while you can wear it anytime, I like to wear it at night since detoxification is enhanced when you are relaxed or asleep.


There are many ways to make your own castor oil pack but this video shows one method. She recommends leaving it on for one hour, but you can wear castor oil packs for longer, even overnight. However homemade packs may be more difficult to wear while doing daily activities or sleeping as they may leak and stain clothing and bedding.

Need more help with castor oil packs or other health issues? Contact me for a free consultation today!

Please ask your practitioner or health care professional for guidance in using castor oil packs.

The entire contents of this website/article are based upon the opinions of Doreen McCafferty NLC, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Doreen McCafferty, NLC and her community. Doreen McCafferty encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content. All information in this article is for educational purposes only and not designed to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 





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